Home MusicMusic Interviews Exclusive Interview: Inspiration and Innovation with John Galea Talking Creativity and Collaboration in the Music Industry

Exclusive Interview: Inspiration and Innovation with John Galea Talking Creativity and Collaboration in the Music Industry

by Jonathan Currinn
13 minutes read Send a Virtual Coffee ☕

Renowned for his soulful melodies and unwavering support for the LGBTQ+ community, John Galea continues to captivate audiences worldwide with his heartfelt music and impassioned advocacy. With the recent release of his animated music video for “Old School Love“, featuring Nate James, and the anticipation building for his forthcoming EP “The Art of Collaboration”, Galea stands at the forefront of artistic innovation and social change. In an exclusive interview with Good Star Vibes, we delve into the creative process behind his latest project, his experiences as an LGBTQIA+ artist, and his unwavering commitment to using his platform for positive impact.

Embodying resilience and authenticity, Galea’s artistic journey has been marked by both triumphs and challenges. From gracing the main stage of London’s Bi Pride 2023 to facing difficulties as an LGBTQIA+ songwriter, he has emerged as a beacon of hope and empowerment for fans worldwide. As we explore the depths of his music, Galea’s dedication to connecting with his audience on a deeper level and spreading acceptance for all shines through.

Hi John, we hope you are having a good day today. Can you share with us the inspiration behind the animated concept for the music video of “Old School Love”? How do you feel it enhances the song’s message?

It’s very exciting as it is the first animated music video I’ve ever done. My schedule & Nate James’s were so busy we couldn’t align unfortunately to record a music video so this was suggested by my management and seemed like the perfect solution. The outcome really portrays the message of the song well though and the cartoon versions of us look really good. We are really pleased with the outcome.

Could you share with us some insights into the creative team behind the animation for the music video of ‘Old School Love’? We’d love to hear about the talented individuals who helped bring this visual concept to life.

We worked with a production team headed by Resha Muhammad who is an amazing Graphic Designer and we said what we were looking for, brainstormed some ideas and this simple concept of being in an underground bar came about where we performed the song to an audience and the main focus was the song.

Screenshot from the "Old School Love" music video which sees a cartoon John Galea at the piano performing on stage.

“Old School Love” is such a catchy and soulful track. Can you tell us a bit about the songwriting process and what inspired its lyrics?

Thank you – I wrote the song a few years ago and the track is about a longing for a relationship I was once in and wishing you could find that perfect “Old School Love” that can last. I sat at the piano and started writing the chords and the words just poured out.

Collaborating with Nate James on “Old School Love” resulted in a fantastic blend of your voices. How did this collaboration come about, and what was it like working with him?

Originally the song wasn’t a collaboration but after doing the demo and how soulful the track came out I knew that a really soulful voice would work well with it. So I approached Nate, who I have known for ages – I worked with the same producer David Brant (producer of Nate James’ “Set The Tone” album) on a track in the past and he was up for it. We went in the studio together and laid down his vocals and his voice just added another layer to the track. He’s such a talented artist with an amazing voice.

Your upcoming EP, “The Art of Collaboration”, sounds incredibly exciting. Can you give us some insight into the themes and influences we can expect from this project?

The EP is my final EP before my main Debut album I’ve been working on for the last 2 years and this EP is just a collection of the different tracks in my career so far that I’ve collaborated on with different artists. Artists like Nate James and Hannah Long and rappers like Scorcher and Ironik appear.

With “The Art of Collaboration” being your sixth studio EP, how does it differ from your previous works in terms of musical direction and experimentation?

It doesn’t really differ, to be honest, more of a continuation as some of the songs have been released before like the remastered “Golddiggin” featuring Scorcher. But newer songs like “Don’t Wanna Die” featuring Ironik do have more of a soul edge and have more of a Singer/Songwriter vibe than previous releases.

John Galea and Ironik posing together on a balcony overlooking a city.
John Galea on set with Ironik for the music video “Don’t Wanna Die”.

Throughout your career, you’ve collaborated with various artists across different genres. How do these collaborations contribute to your growth and artistic development?

I love working with all artists of genres and I’m lucky that I can work with rappers then change it up and work with opera singers like Hannah Long on the track “Hero WIthin You” – which we had huge success in 2020 where it topped the iTunes Chart. You learn so much from different genres and how they work and they inspire my songwriting, for sure, and to see if you can go out of your comfort zone.

As an independent artist, what are some of the challenges you’ve faced in the music industry, and how have you overcome them?

There are so many prejudices in the industry even today, ask Raye! Although it is changing and getting better, the homophobia at the start of my career and the way we were treated like second-rate artists by the industry was hard but it made me strong and even more proud of who I am. I will always remember a track I sent to a record label who said it was awful and I couldn’t write a song for love nor money—skip forward a few years later and I wrote their artist’s biggest song and now get royalties every year. It showed me opinions are just people’s opinions and not to let it get you down and keep going.

Press photo for John Galea which sees him sitting on the floor posing for a photo, wearing a shiny gold jacket, a black t-shirt, glittery black jeans, and a trainer with a red sole.

As an LGBTQIA+ artist who openly identifies as bisexual, your music has resonated deeply with listeners on a personal level. How does your identity and personal experiences inform the way you connect with your audience through your songs, particularly those within the LGBTQ+ community?

All my songs come from a place of honesty and authenticity and I couldn’t not open up about who I am to my fans without being 100% who I am. So hopefully that honesty resonates with them and anything I can do to promote the LGBTQIA+ community, I will. There are still 67 countries where it’s Illegal to be gay – It needs to change!

Without getting too deep, your support for the LGBTQIA+ community, as demonstrated by your performances at events like London’s Bi Pride 2023, is commendable. In light of the current difficulties the LGBTQ+ community is facing globally, including anti-drag bills in America, transgender deaths worldwide, the Ghana anti-LGBT bill, and the anti-trans rhetoric from a well-known UK author, along with the banning of certain life-saving medications for trans children, could you share with us your thoughts on these issues and how you believe individuals, including artists like yourself, can contribute to positive change and support for the community?

Anything to get the message out about the injustices is important and to support each other within the community is important. The Prides we do in the UK still have a massive impact in the world to have a beacon of light for the LGBTQIA+ community for countries like Ghana etc. We all can do our part to be an ally or attend marches and try to make the changes we need to make.

What can fans look forward to from John Galea in the coming months, both in terms of new music releases and any upcoming projects or collaborations? Are there any more music videos in the works? What other awesome collaborations can we expect from you?

“The Art Of Collaboration” EP is [set to be] released in April and some show announcements are on their way too which is exciting as I love performing live – there’s nothing like your song being sung back to you word for word. It’s a very deep experience.

Finally, as we conclude this interview, is there a message you’d like to share with your fans who have been supporting you throughout your journey as an artist?

Just a massive thank you for their support, I can’t wait to share the next chapter with you guys.

Thank you, John Galea, for answering our questions. We love the new song, “Old School Love” with Nate James and the accompanying music video. We’re super excited about “The Art of Collaboration” EP and we will certainly be listening to it when it drops in April.

“Old School Love”, by John Galea featuring Nate James, is available to download and stream, right now. It has been released independently in connection with Zamna Media. Remember to keep an eye out for his forthcoming EP “The Art Of Collaboration’ which will showcase Galea’s work with a variety of artists including singers and rappers that he has worked with throughout his career, which is set to be released next month. As you wait for the release, why not check out John Galea’s artist profile on your favourite streaming platform and listen to his previously released music?

Follow John Galea on social media here:

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